
Reunification Day

by Guest3011  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Reunification Day

 Tags: Day, Reunification



  1. nandinishetye
    Victory Day (Ngày Chi?n th?ng), Reunification Day (Ngày Th?ng nh?t), or Liberation Day (Ngày Gi?i phóng) is a public holiday in Vietnam that marks the occasion Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops captured Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) on April 30, 1975. This signalled the end of the Vietnam War, known in Vietnamese as Chi?n tranh Vi?t Nam (Vietnam War) or Kháng chi?n ch?ng M? ("Resistance War Against America"). It was the start of the transition period toward reunification, which occurred July 2, 1976.

    In the overseas Vietnamese exile community, the day is remembered as the "Fall of Saigon" or "Ngày Qu?c h?n". This is loosely translated as "National Defeat Day," or more literally as "National Day of Resentment." These terms are considered treasonous in present day Vietnam and can lead to harassment or imprisonment. This is a commemorative day for exile Vietnamese who served, were affected, and displaced in those overseas communities, and as such is a day of reflection.

    The anniversary is marked by several festivals around the date.

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