
Review of social game Frontier Ville

by Guest9374  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I want complete review of online social game the farmVille. Please share information about the game if you have knowledge about it. Thanks!

 Tags: Frontier, game, review, Social, Ville



  1. Guest4560

    FrontierVille is one of the best game developed Zynga for social networking websites. It is very original game of the time as it is a rare case if we talk about other games available online these days. FrontierVille is the combination of many of the best gameplay mechanics from many of the best Zynga online games into certain thing that does not seem especially like any of the Facebook game I have ever played before. It is one of my all time favorite.

    It is similar to harvest crops as we do in FarmVille, but the process feels more smooth and efficient. You do the same as in Mafia in collecting items, and have some feature match with the actions as in Treasure Island where you have the chance to appear any time for completing your task. Your avatar looks and feels similar to YoVille’s avatar, having same emphasis on completing actions and a sleek way of receiving assistance from friends.

    Most of the Zynga games are not difficult to play. However, FrontierVille is bit complex as there is no single objective to use as leader for example Café World is about making money, Mafia Wars is clearly about building up authority and power. FrontierVille is a game that prepares you for taking care of your homestead, develop it, making and improving your status. In that game you earns a good amount of money, get married, begin a family, and improve your household in a orderly manner. Here you cannot find a single activity to move ahead and you perform multitasks for progressing in the game.


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