
Riding the green wave

by Guest151  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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You might not be down with the lingo, but if you regularly drive through urban areas, you've probably ridden the "green wave" at one point or another.

The drive starts out like any other, just a quick trip across town to pick up some dry cleaning. You drift effortlessly through the first green light and coast through the next intersection as well. To your growing amazement, you easily make the third traffic light, too. Will this streak of traffic luck hold out? Will you arrive at your destination without stopping for a single light?

 Tags: Green, Riding, Wave



  1. Aalia
    For many, the green wave may seem something of a divine gift from the otherwise unsympathetic traffic gods. For hypermilers, however, there's nothing supernatural about hitting all the lights just right. Like a gambler who works the mathematical odds instead of relying on lucky charms, these savvy individuals drive to beat the system. Hypermiling simply involves driving your vehicle in a manner that maximizes fuel efficiency and minimizes exhaust emissions -- and a key way to achieve both is to cut out unnecessary stops and rapid accelerations.

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