

by Guest3698  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Roadrunners - everyone remembers the roadrunner from the cartoon right? Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner! well the Roadrunner is actually quite a fascinating bird.

The roadrunner is a large, slender, black-brown and white streaked ground bird with a distinctive head crest. It has long legs, strong feet, and an oversized dark bill. The tail is broad with white tips on the three outer tail feathers. The bird has a blank patch of skin behind each eye; this patch is is shaded blue proximally to red distally. The lesser roadrunner is slightly smaller, not as streaky, and has a smaller bill. The roadrunner is large and long-legged, with a thick, long black beak and a long dark tail. The bird is terrestrial; although capable of flight, it spends most of its time on the ground. During flight, the wings are short and rounded and reveal a white crescent in the primary feathers.

Roadrunners can run at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour (24 km/h) and generally prefer sprinting to flying. Roadrunners will fly to escape faster moving predators such as coyotes.

 Tags: roadrunners



  1. Merlyn
    there was actually an embarrassing point in time when i though this bird was mythical! i would actually quite like to see one for real someday because of the fond memories i have with the cartoon which i watched as a child.

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