
SUTD Singapore curriculum

by Guest5746  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My friend is a student of history in National University of Singapore. He has been given the task of writing an essay on the topic SUTD Singapore curriculum

 Tags: Curriculum, singapore, SUTD



  1. Guest8376
    It will be taught via a unique pedagogy, starting with students organized around small learning communities so that they can have more intimate connections with faculty and each other, learn from each other, and learn in context with design woven into the instruction of basic mathematics, science and social science.    This approach will provide a very exciting and motivating learning experience for the students.
    The curriculum will have both breadth and depth.  Students will be exposed to a wide range of technically grounded design opportunities, including architectural design, product design, software design and system design.  Students will learn to define problems holistically and develop creative solutions from a total design perspective.  They will also experience the full value chain from conception through development, prototyping, manufacturing, operation and maintenance.   Students will also benefit from interactions with industry, for example, through required internships.
    Students at SUTD will be deeply engaged with the world of ideas and the world of practice and entrepreneurship.  They will be provided with not only scientific and technological foundations, but also the business skills to bring their innovations to the marketplace.  In this holistic approach, students will play an active role in every step of the process.
    Due to the unique location of Singapore, SUTD will also be able to bring together the best innovation cultures from the East and West, with our collaboration with not only MIT but also Zhejiang University from China.
    Through this unique curriculum, graduates from SUTD will not only be great engineers, or architects and software experts, but people with the passion, ability and dreams to invent and build a better future.

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