
Should I check twitter often?

by Guest4734  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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My younger brother is a student of Mass communication and has been given a task of writing an essay on the topic should I check twitter often? Is there anyone can tell me regarding my query?

 Tags: Check, twitter



  1. Guest9820
    Messages from others you follow will show up in a readable stream on your homepage timeline. Once you've followed a few people, you'll have a new page of information to read each time you log in. Click links in others' Tweets to view: photos and videos they have posted, the profiles of users mentioned in their message, or Tweets related to a hashtag (#) keyword they used. Tip: Try hovering your mouse over a user's name anywhere on your homepage. You'll see a pop-up box called a "hovercard" containing information about that user.

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