
Should I tell the police

by Guest1031  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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My boyfriends ex wife has 5 warrant out for her arrest, ranging from theft of identity, theft, fraud, writing bad checks etc. she has his little girl and she steals, lies and is not the best person. I worry about the little girls situation. I dont think she is harmed phyiscally she is just not taught good values. She is really afraid of police because of her mom being arrest so much. Should I turn her in or should I just wait till it catchs up to her and hope the child doesnt learn the mother ways.

 Tags: Police, Tell



  1. Guest4195
    This is a difficult situation and first of all it is very nice of you to care for the little girl like this.  If you have a talking relationship with the x, maybe you can talk to her about the influence on her daughter. i'm sure your boyfriend has visiting rights; when she is with you lads, try your best to teach her values, honesty and integrity by example.  you'll be surprised how smart kids are these days.  Also look into how you guys can get the full custody; if her mother is all of the above; sooner or later the law will catch up to her. when that happens; instead of the child going to foster home, you guys can talk to the authorities and take the child in. all in all i'm glad you are looking out for a child who is in a difficult situation. bravo

  2. Guest6368
    This may be no help at all but i hope it is.

        If you think the child is even being influenced badly you should go to the police they won't get mad, even a suspiousion could help change that childs life and make it better, it will also help her to make better chocies if she is not around her mother hope this helps.

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