
Should my 11 year old son go on a date?

by Guest2244  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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He really like the girl and im not sure i should let him

 Tags: 11, date, son



  1. amomipais82
    My experience with my two boys (one grown, one in college) is that at the age of your son "going out" is more of a status thing at school than actually going anywhere. Both of my boys were "going out" with girls at different times, but it didn't involve anything other than phone calls (monitored by us) and talking at school until they were in high school. There is absolutely no need for alone time or unsupervised communication at this age!!!

    One suggestion is that you have your husband have a man-to-man talk with him about getting ready to be a good husband by learning how to treat a girl. He can even tell him he is teaching him what he needs to know for when it's time to date: holding your chair at dinnertime, helping you on with you coat, holding the door open for you and other women, grooming, hygine, safty issues, etc. It's never too early to learn to be a gentleman. Also, it's time to communicate with him what your beliefs are about s*x. Our beliefs are that s*x is only appropriate in marriage, and we were clear with our boys about that. Communication is key here. No shame, just wanting to have what is beautiful when it is time.

    Check out and see what you think of Justin Lookadoo's website and books. He had some things to say that really effected one of my boys. One of the things he said that I remember is that "we don't open the doors for women because they are women, we open doors for women because we are gentlemen." He also talked openly about the issues with s*x and dating, etc. It has been several years now, so I don't recall what is age-appropriate for your son, but it seems like his talks and book/books were insightful.

    One other thing I remember from this age is that while they boys feel all grown up and manly, they still need their mommy. They may not know it, but they do.
    I wish you well

  2. Guest1289
    I dont think so cos it will only end in tears
  3. Guest8055
    if they really like eachother then ya no harm will happen alittle cudleing and hand holding is fine!!
  4. Guest1879
    Yes - Because he guaranteed to get virgin and tight p***y. He will not have to worry about contracting the HIV virus
  5. Guest3721
    Im stuck in the same kind of situation but a bit different... my daughter is 11 years old and this guy really likes her and asked her on a date. This guys friends always play Truth Or Dare so she thought it was a dare and went with the joke. Knowing what that meant she said YES. After a while she found out he was serious and doesnt know what to do. She doesnt even know if she does or doesn't like the guy!  

    Any help??
  6. Guest9160
    yeah i really doubt that thats a good idea, i let my brutus go out on a date when he was eleven and now because of her he has developed a crack addiction, and he has siphilus.:(
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