
Stardoll cheats or tips?

by Guest5314  |  12 years, 12 month(s) ago

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Stardoll cheats or tips?

 Tags: cheats, stardoll, Tips



  1. stardoll

    Hello, Stardoll users,

    If you want Stardoll Employee code, write us to Write:

    Hello, dear stardoll administrator,

    I need Stardoll Employee code.

    Thank you, (your username).

    We will send you code.

  2. ivana1234

    if u want stardollars for free email me your user and pass



    thrust me im not a hacker :D


  3. Guest4472
    I love Stardoll and the best Stardoll cheats I found were on

    These really work!
  4. Guest3511

    Hello. My name is Bella and I know, how to get EMPLOYEE CODE.

    ****WARNING: Requirments needed to get employee code(You MUST have these Requirments):

    1. Account MUST (Or cheat don't work) be deserved to be Employee. ~200stp not deserves. (This proves, that you deserve to get Employee code)

    2. You don't need to be superstar, you can be Non-SS but then you must have much starpoints.

    Now, how to get the EMPLOYEE CODE the cheats master? You need to do one or both STEPS.(Both steps - faster)

    STEP 1. Change your email to ONE of these:




    This is all Stardoll Stuff emails. First one - Private Stardoll Stuff Email.

    If one of these emails don't working, try another email, and it will work. If it isn't tell me, i will help you.

    After that, from your email adress like: Gmail, Yahoo and others write a private message to email that you changed your stardoll

    email to. Example: You changed your Stardoll email to "" then send that message to

    the same email "". What message you need to send? Here:

    "Hello dear, (Klara,Keite Miller,Perla) I applying for Employee code. I readed rules, accept to Terms of use.

    And, i ready to proceed. Kindly, (YOUR STARDOLL nickname)

    STEP 2. Change your password to "Employee" and send your nickname to One of these Stardoll Stuff email.

    If one of these four emails don't working, try another email, and it will work.

    If you don't trust this way, do first Step, but > Administrators NEVER Scam or Hack accounts. They ALREADY see your passwords.

    Note: Closely read All this Text, or the cheat could not work, it's worth to spend some your time to get cheat like this!


    And ONE more Cheat. This cheat is From ONLY.

    She made this cheat few days ago. She gave me Instructions how to get this cheat, and she said i need to Spread this cheat.

    This Cheat will work ONLY for 50 peoples! After 50 peoples use this cheat,it will Disapear.

    This cheat gets you free SCUBA DRESS. Proofs? Send an Email to Perla gmail and ask!

    And now, how to get SCUBA DRESS for free? Write a simple message:

    "Hello, Sara! I heard about Scuba Dress cheat. I would love to get the Scuba dress!

    My Stardoll Name is (Your Stardoll Nickname). Do you think i'm worth to get The Scuba dress?

    Please, send me all informacion and instructions. Kindly, (your stardoll nickname)"

    When you do all the instructions that Perla send for you, you will get Scuba dress in another 72 hours.

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