
Student welfare

by Guest7524  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I'm a seventeen your old girl and like most teens im having problems at home.  I want to leave but i don't have a job to support myself just yet so its hard to get my own place.  Who do i call for help? Will I be able to apply for student welfare and get accepted because i don't want to live at home anymore, or do i have to have a serious reason such as getting abused? What if i can find a job but it doesn't fully support me, will i still be able to apply for student welfare?




  1. Guest1397
    at what age can you get student welfare

  2. Guest371
    same problem im having @ home and it's not easy but i think that is possible to do.
  3. Guest1838

    No, you do not need to be getting abused to get on Welfare. You can be at home paying rent to any family member and they will not be deducted if they are on welfare/disability themselves. They just ask you to have a valid reason. For me, I couldn't stand living with my mother and I moved out. Simple as that. I was told you needed to be 16 before you can go onto Welfare. Because you can also be considered a depedant adult at that age.


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