
Support ICQ: 9999968 Hello, my name is Chester, I would like introduce my dump vending service, I have some simple rules, please read them carefull and if you don't like them, don"t need contact me on icq. **Prices: USA: VISA/MC Standart, Classic - 15$ Visa/MC Gold , Platinum-30$ VISA/MC Corporat

by ChesterTr2  |  10 years, 6 month(s) ago

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Support ICQ:  9999968 Hello, my name is Chester, I would like introduce my dump vending service, I have some simple rules, please read them carefull and if you don't like them, don"t need contact me on icq.  **Prices:  USA: VISA/MC Standart, Classic - 15$ Visa/MC Gold , Platinum-30$ VISA/MC Corporat

 Tags: 15, 9999968, carefull, chester, classic, Contact, Corporat, dont, dump, gold, hello, ICQ, Introduce, name, Platinum30, Please, prices, Read, rules, service, Simple, Standart, support, USA, vending, VISAMC

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