
Talking to girls. I have problem talking to the girls. I just feel nervous and not so confident

by Guest792  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I have problem talking to the girls. I just feel nervous and not so confident around them. Please Help

 Tags: girls, talking



  1. salim
    Hi there, I have got some suggestions for you that can help you in building your confidence around girls. Wat you can do is that you can be friends with girls, Sit with them and talk to them about anything you like....becoming friends with girls wont take you into a relationship with them.

    You also don't need to change who you are to feel confident around girls!! and if they are your friends then why should you need confidence? Just remember that you are your own person.

    Be yourself!!You should always tell yourself that you are a wonderful person and you have so much to offer. Just remember this "I am a good person and any girl would be luck to have a guy like me because I would treat her so well." Don't be too cocky though. If you act like you're all that then girls will think that you are vein. Just relax and be friendly. Smile and be charming!

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