
The Beatles influence on society.

by Guest3297  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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The Beatles influence on society.

 Tags: Beatles, influence, Society



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    One of the reasons the Beatles were influential on society has to do with the time period in which they appeared. In the early '60s, teenagers were just beginning to assert their voices as a generation, and the Beatles were something of an outlet for that voice. In addition, the Beatles appeared in the U.S. shortly after Kennedy was assassinated, so they were a sort of an optomistic antidote for a grieving nation.

    hey influenced musical style, fashion, and even worldview to a degree (in that for perhaps the first time, the public cared what a pop star thought). The Beatles were mentioned in newspapers virtually every day throughout the early part of their career, and they were a part of the consciousness of nearly the entire world.

    Sales figures would indicate that Beatles music is as successful now as it has ever been

    It was perfect for the generation for which it was created, but one would think that subsequent generations would move on to their own music. They did, obviously, but for some reason every subsequent generation has recognized something special about the Beatles' music. It is astounding that many teenagers and children today even know, let alone appreciate, music that is 40 years old. This is a testament to something unique about the music.

    today we have so many more choices, styles of music, and media outlets, it's quite unlikely that any one thing, band, or arist can capture the world's collective attention for any appreciable length of time. It's possible, of course, that another band could achieve worldwide phenomenal success, but most will fade quickly. We can witness many such instances over the past four decades.

    It's obvious that the Beatles influenced society in the areas of fashion and drug use. Look at the sales of Beatle wigs, Cuban-heeled boots, and collarless jackets, as well as the rise in popularity of long hair on men.

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