
The Spear of Destiny?

by Guest2035  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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The Spear of Destiny - The Spear of Destiny is a legendary artifact claimed to be the spear that pierced the side of Jesus when he was on the cross.

The relic is said to have strange occult powers:
“Whosoever possesses this Holy Lance and understands the powers it serves, holds in his hand the destiny of the world for good or evil.”

 Tags: Destiny, Spear



  1. GiGi
    The Holy Lance (also known as the Spear of Destiny, Holy Spear, Lance of Longinus, Spear of Longinus or Spear of Christ) is the name given to the lance that pierced Jesus's side in John's account of the crucifixion of Jesus.


    Everyone knows that Jesus was pierced in the side with
    a Spear of some sort.  It is usually assumed that it was
    just an ordinary Roman soldier's spear that just happened
    to be available at the time.  Later, it passes into many
    hands, arriving--supposedly--into Hitler's possession at
    the start of the Second World War.  Near the end of that
    war, the story goes, General Patton discovers the Spear in
    a bunker under Nuremberg, realizes what it is, and at that
    very moment, Hitler commits suicide and the U.S. succeeds
    Germany as the new World Power...because it now holds the

       Well, not so fast...  That Spear--seen above--has been
    kept in Vienna, Austria, where Hitler obtained it back in
    1938, since shortly after the War.  Is Austria now a World
    Power?  It used to be--before the First World War, but no
    longer.  But, of course, some people insist that Austria's
    Hapsburg family secretly runs the world from behind their
    gilded walls in Vienna.

       Maybe. But not very effectively.  The fact is, this may
    not be the true Spear.  It could be one of several copies
    made at various times throughout the centuries.  The real
    Spear--if the legend of it always being in the possession
    of the current ruling World Power were true--ought to be
    in the United States, for the U.S. has emerged as the very
    greatest World Power in modern history.  And what about
    Judea?  The Spear was in Jerusalem for centuries and it
    does not appear to have made the Jewish people dominant
    in the ancient world.  In fact, they were overrun by just
    about every one of their neighbors.  Come to think of it,
    n**i Germany was also conquered when it had the Spear.  So
    was Austria in 1938 and again when the Spear was returned
    after the war. It may be that having this Spear is a way
    to get your nation conquered by its neighbors...

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