
The police are telling me it's not their job to enforce court orders from civil court, what do I do?

by Guest5808  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I have a restraining order followed by two court orders directing an Ex girlfriend to return personal property.  She has refused to comply.  I spent thousands and Atty. fees, and it's got me know where.  What uses is our legal system, if the police refused to help enforce the court orders but be cause they are not a criminal issue, but just a civil issue from quote" family court"

 Tags: civil, Court, enforce, job, Police, telling



  1. Guest4023

    you have to have a criminal issue,go down to the police station and have her charged her with theft. You have the court order stating that she was to return your things, so she is now refusing, so that is theft. Charge her with a criminal offense, then the police can step in. The court order is not a waste of time it's ammunition for you to charge her with theftThe police get a million calls everyday to deal with civil matters, only they do not have the man power or the time to deal with every single matter, dispute ar annoyances we might have with someone else. The court give us or them to deal with the matter in a civil fashion. obviously she can't so have her charged with theft.

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