
Things to do before your 13

by Guest7696  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Things to do before your 13

 Tags: 13



  1. amomipais82
    The book includes advice about how to handle BFF trouble and cyber-bullying, as well as how to discover your hidden talent (as wacky as it may be) and 13 ways to volunteer at 13.

    Moreover, thanks to Terri's insider connections, the book includes interviews with some of the most popular pop stars, such as: Selena Gomez (who shares why it's important not to judge others); Kellie Pickler (who reveals how she got over her body blues); and Taylor Swift (who talks about how she made her singing dream a reality).

    "Taylor wrote me a two-page letter," says Terri, obviously impressed, during a telephone interview with momlogic. "I was floored: when she was nine years old, she knew that she really wanted to sing, so she got her mom to drive her to lessons."

    There are now 20 million tweens (8 to 12) in the U.S. alone. "Age 13 is a tipping point for self-esteem," says Terri. "Thirteen for me was the worst year ever! It's important to remember that your daughter probably has those same feelings."

    Terri encourages moms to hang out with their daughters -- and it doesn't mean doing extravagant things, like going to a Broadway play. "Just turn off the TV, sit down, and talk about your day. If you talk about your day, your daughter is more apt to open up."

    Years ago, she and her daughter started to have Friday night movie night -- and still do. "We pop in a movie, lay out our sleeping bags, and order pizzas."

    But here's the best part: mother and daughter took on a full role reversal when they edited the book.

    Although Brittany came up with the skeleton of the book, Terri wrote the full first draft, and turned to her teen daughter for editorial expertise.

    "I'd ask, 'Would you say it this way?' and she'd edit it, and then she'd put it in tween speak."

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