
Top rated road trip cities in Australia

by Guest7702  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Which Australian cities offer the best road trips to tourists? Please list them here. Thanks.

 Tags: Australia, cities, rated, road, top, Trip



  1. Guest5924
    Driving, travel tips and general rules of the road for International visitors and tourists, who intend to drive a car, rent or hire campervans in Australia. Things you should know before driving in Australia such as driving during wildlife feeding times and dealing with road trains that add a dimension to driving you may not have experienced before. Below is the list of the cities in Australia which are best for road trips around the country:
    1. Great Ocean Road is a region with exquisite landscapes, quaint coastal towns, and a rugged ocean coast.
    2. Cairns. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Australia as it is filled with lagoons, rainforests and coastlines.
    3. Sydney sits nestled in the sandstone cliffs overlooking Sydney Harbor, basking in its role as a gateway for travelers.
    4. Alice Springs. For those travelers looking for the classic Australian outback, the town of Alice Springs certainly delivers
    5. Byron Bay, the ideal vacation spot for those seeking opportunities for peaceful relaxation and lively entertainment
    6. Brisbane, a beautiful subtropical city in Southeastern Australian and an excellent diversion for travelers down under.

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