
Toy Story 4 rumors

by Guest101557  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Toy Story 4 could return to the big screen soon, despite the negative Pixar gave as to make another film after the blockbuster "Toy Story 3 " Oscar winning film the best animated film.

Tom Hanks, who voices the cowboy Woody, he hinted at the possibility of a new Toy Story movie during an interview with the BBC.

Moreover, the site rumored to perform several short, without affirming the existence of plans to continue the saga.

The teaser, shown below, has led to speculation about the likely return of Woody, the most famous western cowboy, Buzz, intergalactic astronaut, and all the friends who accompany them. It will be shown before the movie Cars 2 in theaters.

Does this short film of the trilogy, entitled Hawaiian Vacation, will be the beginning of a new story line of toys? Will Bonnie 's new co-star Woody? Share with us your opinion.

 Tags: rumors, Story, Toy



  1. Guest101870
    Toy Story 4 could return to the big screen soon, despite the negative Pixar gave as to make another film after the blockbuster "Toy Story 3 " Oscar winning film the best animated film.

    Tom Hanks, who voices the cowboy Woody, he hinted at the possibility of a new Toy Story movie during an interview with the BBC.

    Moreover, the site rumored to perform several short, without affirming the existence of plans to continue the saga.

    The teaser, shown below, has led to speculation about the likely return of Woody, the most famous western cowboy, Buzz, intergalactic astronaut, and all the friends who accompany them. It will be shown before the movie Cars 2 in theaters.

    Does this short film of the trilogy, entitled Hawaiian Vacation, will be the beginning of a new story line of toys? Will Bonnie 's new co-star Woody? Share with us your opinion.

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