
Video games and consoles

by Guest1679  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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What is your favorite all time gaming console and which video game is it?

 Tags: consoles, games, video



  1. Guest379
    My favorite of all time is the PS2. It has the most games, has good graphics, and doesnt hurt your wallet too much. On November 29, 2005, the PlayStation 2 became the fastest game console to reach 100 million units shipped, accomplishing the feat within 5 years and 9 months from its launch. This achievement occurred faster than its predecessor, the PlayStation, which took 9 years and 6 months to reach the same benchmark.

    My favorite game on PS2 is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which has sold 12 million copies; the highest number of sales for PS2. The game is set in the fictional state of San Andreas, comprising three metropolitan cities. Set in late 1992, San Andreas revolves around gang member Carl "CJ" Johnson returning home from Liberty City to Los Santos after learning of his mother's murder. CJ finds his family and his old gang, the Grove Street Families, in disarray. Over the course of the game, CJ gradually unravels the plot behind his mother's murder while reestablishing his gang and exploring his own business ventures. Like other games in the series, San Andreas is composed of elements from driving games and third-person shooters, and features "open-world" gameplay that gives the player more control over their playing experience.

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