
Violence in Greece

by Guest3831  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Violence in Greece continues - Gangs of dozens of high school students hurled stones and fire bombs at police stations in several Athens suburbs on Thursday, in a sixth day of violence which has shaken Greece's conservative government.

Some 500 mostly young people besieged the central police station in the northern city of Thessaloniki, while crowds gathered in the western port of Patras and the northern city of Ioannina. It spread to 15 police stations in the capital in protest against a patrolman's shooting of a teenager, which sparked the worst riots in decades.

Whole thing started when a 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos on Saturday was killed by the police.

 Tags: Greece, violence



  1. Guest3561
    When the public gets fed up with how authorities handle situations; they can only sit silence for so long and when the patience run out, madness starts.  

    The madness is not bound by location or culture when it hits it spreads.  If the conditions are built for violence the worst in people will come out.  When i first heard of the violence in Greece i could relate to it not in the sense of the location but of the act.  

    When people in developing countries take to the street, in most cases they are left with no other choice. Same holds true for developed countries, when the institutions fail the public acts exactly the same; they take the matters in their own hands.

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