
WWE is fake...

by Guest6139  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I know that WWE wrestling is fake and acted out and most of the world does too,but what I don't understand why do people still pay so much money to go see something that is fake.I would rather go to a boxing match which is definitley real and entertaining as well.So I don't understand why all these people would go and waste their time for something that is drama especially in ''fighting''?

 Tags: fake..., wwe



  1. Guest1532
    Just like TV shows, soap operas, movies and everything the like, wrestling is just another form of entertainment.  Characters are created along with story lines of the antagonist and protagonist which is often noted by good vs bad.  Some just prefer wrestling over TV drama, i mean its live entertainment and anything live is pretty d**n good!

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