
Were Founding fathers pro-slavery racists and hypocrites?

by Guest6416  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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The most frequent tactics employed to discredit Americas Founding Fathers is to say that the Founding Fathers were all pro-slavery racists and hypocrites. I am working on a project related to Founding fathers. Please anyone tell me the truth if you know something about it.


 Tags: fathers, founding, hypocrites, Proslavery, racists



  1. Guest8318

    Hello there

    Everybody knows that there was combined school of thoughts with different aspects. Now it is true, however, that not all of the famous and loyal Founders from the South opposed slavery.  There were some noble icons which were in favor of slavery as well. According to the testimony of Thomas Jefferson, John Rutledge, and James Madison, those from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia favored slavery.

    So keep in mind that there were some factors which were using slavery as a tool and more or less pretending to be noble, but intact they were the real hypocrites. Even the separation from Britain was like a big drama to me as they were doing the same. But on the same time there were some courageous people like Ibrahim Lincoln who were straight forward and acting against slavery and opposing such activities. And I must say that there were others like him as well.

    I hope it is quite clear that all were not noble and against slavery. Still you need to know something about different school of thoughts than feel free to consult me here. I will defiantly help you in this regard.



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