
What Olympic Stadium of London 2012 offers?

by Guest9725  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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How the new Olympic Stadium of London 2012 Olympic games is different from previous one.

 Tags: 2012, London, offers, olympic, Stadium



  1. Guest4778
    While Populous had previously worked on the Sydney Olympic Stadium, which was reduced from 115,000 seats to 83,000 seats, the scale of conversion proposed for London was unprecedented.
    The six meter fall from north to south meant that a "cut and fill" approach could be adopted that would enable a permanent, landscaped bowl to be formed within the earth for the 25,000 permanent seats, with a separate temporary structure for 55,000 temporary seats above.
    This had the added benefit of segregating the athletes and media (who were located on the lower ground at the level of the track) from the spectators, who could now enjoy level access across the bridges and straight into the stadium.
    A final decision is still to made, but our current design has the fabric running from the roof and twisting at its base to enable spectators to enter the seating bowl at any point around its perimeter.
    For the four weeks of the Games, the London 2012 Olympic Stadium will be the stage for elite sporting performance and host to the world's greatest athletes, its heads of state, the international press, the hundreds of thousands attending in person and the millions watching around the world.

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