
What TPG Theoretical Physics Group was assigned by the support of Dr Abdus Salam?

by Guest5866  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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My friend wants to know, What TPG  Theoretical Physics Group was assigned by the support of Dr Abdus Salam?

 Tags: Abdus, assigned, Dr, physics, salam, support, Theoretical, Tpg



  1. Guest8820
    In December 1972, two theoretical physicists working at the ICTP were asked by Salam to report to noted Pakistani nuclear scientist, Munir Ahmad Khan (late), then-PAEC chairman. This marked the beginning of the “Theoretical Physics Group" or TPG. The TPG, in PAEC, was assigned to develop the theoretical designs of Pakistan's nuclear weapon devices. The TPG team under the leadership of Riazuddin, who was also Salam's student, completed work on the theoretical design of the nuclear weapon device by 1977. Abdus Salam had led the groundbreaking work in the development of the programme, with Munir Ahmad Khan. In 1974, Munir Ahmad Khan had called for a meeting to initiate the work on atomic device, which was attended by Abdus Salam. The word "bomb" was never used, instead scientists preferred to use the scientific research rationale. The Theoretical Physics Group began its research and directly reported to Abdus Salam. On the advise of Abdus Salam, PAEC scientists formed many groups that took charge in calculations and development. On March 1974, Abdus Salam also established the Wah Group Scientist and the Directorate for Technical Development (DTD). These groups were charged with the material and triggering mechanism development of the weapon. Abdus Salam remained associated with the nuclear weapons programme until 1974, when he left the country in protest.

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