
What Will Obama do with Israel?

by Guest7266  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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What Will Obama do with Israel?

 Tags: israel, Obama



  1. Brett
    Obama is conspicuously silent with the issues concerning the current Middle East war. Doesn’t it seem obvious that he is not about to deal strongly with Israel? Even if he is not yet president of the United States until Bush vacates the White House, the silence is extremely pregnant because the US is known to be pro-Israel. But the US, even the whole world, gets the inkling that Obama will take a more balanced approach to US foreign policy, unlike his predecessor.

    With Obama’s full plate that includes a more active participation in the campaign to reduce carbon dioxide emission, it seems apparent, too, that his immediate priorities do not include a change of foreign policy on Middle East relations. What is most clear is that Obama’s administration will definitely be different from the Bush-Cheney tack. Whereas the Bush administration has been interventionist, Obama wants to win back the old US enemies. However, he is also not about to radically change the US stance regarding Israel, and will continue to support it.

    Some are paranoid that Obama might reveal his true Muslim colors upon taking oath, and will take a drastic turn on the Israel-Palestine feud. What may be sure is that Obama and the rest of the Democrats have been tired of the administration of the past eight years. Besides, what he will surely pour his efforts into would be the raging reality of a fallen US economy. The war is really back home now.

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