
What are Baggage Clearance details for immigration to Singapore?

by Guest6153  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I have to write an article on the topic Baggage Clearance for immigration to Singapore, please help.

 Tags: Baggage, Clearance, details, immigration, singapore



  1. Guest6699
    Visitors are required to present their baggage for checks at the Red and Green Channels operational at all entry checkpoints.

    Proceed to the Red Channel if you carry:

    Prohibited items
    Controlled or restricted items
    Taxable or dutiable items exceeding your GST Relief or Duty-Free concession; or
    Items for which no GST Relief or duty -free concession is granted.
    Physical currency or bearer negotiable instruments (CBNI) that has a total value exceeding SGD 30,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency)
    At the Red Channel, declare orally to the ICA officers that you have with you any of the above-stated item(s), show the item(s) to the officer and produce the import permit, if any.

    Proceed to the Green Channel if you do not carry any of the above-stated 5 types of items. At the Green Channel, ICA officers may still conduct selective checks on visitors' baggage.

    If in doubt, always seek clearance at the Red Channel.

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