
What are KSE shares?

by Guest5432  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I want to know the basic purpose and the theory behind KSE shares please specify the detailed meaning of Shares and its value.

 Tags: KSE, Shares



  1. Guest1636
    Shares, as the name says, are shares in a limited company. Each shareholder is a partial-owner of the company in which they have bought shares and investors can buy and sell their shares on the stock exchanges. Companies on incorporation issue shares, (also called equities) and later perhaps when they are building up a business. The original shareholders might still own them, or they may have sold them to someone else through the stock market. If the company makes a profit, the shareholders normally have some of it passed to them in the form of dividends. The amount paid in dividends varies year by year, depending on how profitable the company has been and how much money the directors and the company management want to keep in reserve for future expansion.

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