
What are Twitter Pros?

by Guest5418  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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My younger brother is a student of Mass communication and has been given a task of writing an essay on the topic what are Twitter Pros? Is there anyone can tell me regarding my query?

 Tags: Pros, twitter



  1. Guest9052
    1. Easy to navigate and update, link to and promote anything
    2. Reach far beyond your inner circle of friends
    3. One feed pools all users; anyone can follow anyone else unless blocked
    4. Pure communication tool, rapid responsiveness
    5. You don’t have to be logged in to get updates; you can just use an RSS reader
    6. Very interactive, extensible messaging platform with open APIs
    7. Many other applications being developed (Twitterific, Summize, Twhirl, etc.)
    8. Potential SMS text messaging revenue from wireless networks (although Twitter states they are not currently getting any cut)
    9. Potential future advertising and/or enterprise subscription-based revenue streams
    10. With its “thin” overhead, Twitter is probably more scalable than Facebook, giving it a cost advantage.

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