
What are the Senate Exit polls showing

by Guest3927  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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What are the Senate Exit polls showing

 Tags: exit, Polls, Senate



  1. Guest3477
    I'm on the ground and there are very little people willing to give up who they voted for.  My unscientific poll, of those who have indicated who they voted for, shows Brown with a 11.4% lead.  I have done my best to hit both heavily Democratic and Republican areas.  Independent voters are not as easy to successfully find, but my polling shows 8% of those questioned were labeling themselves Independents.  60% were Democrats and 32% were Republicans.  Nearly 75% of Democrats voted for Coakley, 100% of Republicans supported Brown and early all of the Independents voted for Brown.  I will keep getting these numbers out as I get them.

  2. Guest5855
    Thanks for trying, but your numbers are basically meaningless
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