
What are the cheats of Arcane the armor collector?

by Guest7562  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I am John and want to know some about the arcane the armor collector game and want to know about the tips which are helpful to me. Does anyone know the cheats of Arcane the armor collector, please tell me!

 Tags: arcane, Armor, cheats, collector



  1. Guest8551

    If you want to play the game Arcane the Armor Collector is one of the free games on internet. Now you can play this game on several websites. It is an Internet flash game for your PC, laptop and notebook. It is a game of RPG. It comprise over 50 different armors and weapons, campaign mode with 20 Challenges and 3 Bosses, customizing your team members, 10 fighting arenas and a free mode embedded with high scores.

    You can easily play this game by using the following tips which is provided to you. When you are playing in this fantasy game, you have been received within the GMGS somewhere you have received a magical armor to conflict. You can move with WASD during the game, click to attack on opponent, switch the weapon and armor with the Space and press B. in this game you can throw the weapons with E. You can easily improve your selected fighter with the money you gross.

    Here is following cheat of arcane the armor collector game; you can make your other team component white haired like arcane, accomplish the Egypt and brown mine boss levels twice with the harden suit and hammer and all armor is unlocked.  First you beat the brown mine and Egypt bosses with the hammer and harden suit 2 times then you will have all of the armor suits.


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