
What are the features of Gran Turismo 5?

by Guest3297  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Gran Turismo 5. I want to know the details about the game Gran Turismo 5. Does anyone know the details of Gran Turismo 5?

 Tags: features, Gran, turismo



  1. Guest35
    It's difficult to describe how excited I was when news of the original, Playstation one Gran Turismo first broke. It's for this reason that when Kazunori Yamauchi describes his latest PS3 epic, Grand Turismo 5, it is as something completely new, and no mere update of what has gone before. "The physics and the graphics - everything was redone from scratch, it really was built up from zero," he says, as he guides me around Madrid's streets in a BMW M3 on the evening of the game's launch, tapping away at the car's paddle shift, soaking in every detail like a sponge.

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