
What are the legal Experts opinion in Raymond Davis case?

by Guest2124  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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The Experts who spent most of their time in Law making and studding how do they treat this case and what are their opinions….

 Tags: Davis, Experts, Legal, Opinion, raymond



  1. Guest994
    According to legal experts, all diplomats do not enjoy blanket immunity, and it has yet to be established whether he is a diplomat or member of the technical staff or contractors’ employee. Though, the US administration itself did no say in so many words, yet it conveyed the message through its media and law makers’ statements. Representative John Kline, a member of the three-member delegation of House of Representatives, had also said that many lawmakers would support cutting aid if the American, who the United States insists has diplomatic immunity, is not freed. Already, trilateral talks between the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan due later this month have been postponed, which is reflective of strained US ties with Islamabad

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