
What are updates about Windows Phone 7 Handsets?

by Guest5285  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Windows Phone 7 Handsets. What are the details and latest news about Windows Phone 7 Handsets? Can someone tell me the latest news about Windows Phone 7 Handsets?

 Tags: Handsets, phone, Updates, Windows



  1. Guest4120
    If you’re looking for the best price on a HTC Surround or LG Quantum, look no further than your local Microsoft Store. They’re giving them away for $0.00 with a new AT&T Contract. If you’re on T-Mobile, you can get an HD7 for $100 with a new contract as well. I’m not sure which is more inviting. The deal is not in fact a Black Friday thing (like the buy-one-get-one-free deal), but lasts through this weekend (until Sunday at 11PM), so if you’re tired out from all that shopping, you’ve got time to relax before heading out for a quick round two. So soon after the platform launched, the free phone giveaway is all rather sad for the future of Windows Phone 7. Microsoft should come clean and admit to everyone just how bleak the situation is, by revealing the Windows Phone 7 unit sales numbers.

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