
What can be Good Persuasive Speech Topics on Sports?

by Guest3231  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I have registered myself in a speech competition and want to prepare a good persuasive speech on sports. Cac someone tell me the tips to do that?

 Tags: Persuasive, speech, Sports, Topics



  1. Guest8865
    A persuasive speech does not necessarily have to be from the perspective with which you agree. You may find that you actually prepare a better speech when you approach a topic from the adverse opinion you share because you are forced to do more research to back up that opinion. When crafting a persuasive speech on the topic of sports, try to come up with an idea that is naturally controversial and creates solid arguments on both sides of the issue. Then challenge yourself by forcing yourself to write a speech where you must seek out facts rather than relying on persuasion through opinion.

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