
What does a movie producer actually do?

by Raul  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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What does a movie producer actually do?

 Tags: actually, Movie, Producer



  1. Jasdev Grewal

     Simply put a film producer supervises the making of a film and can either be employed by a film studio or can be independent. Once the movie is made it is then presented to a financing entity or a film distributor. Usually the first part is to retrieve the film rights for a movie and script. During the pre-production they then must find a screenwriter to write the script and also has the final decision on who will direct the film and any casting questions. During production the job of the producer can change or can vary and it must be decided what they are in charge of. During post-production the producer has the final say about music changes or looping a scene. 

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