
What help is at hand to help me quit smoking?

by Guest4362  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What help is at hand to help me quit smoking?

 Tags: hand, Help, Quit, Smoking



  1. Guest1386
    * Overcoming nicotine craving is one of the main challenges you face when hoping to quit smoking. There are various smoking cessation aids available manufactured to help you achieve your goal much easier and quicker.

    * Nicotine replacement therapy works by supplying your body with a small dose of nicotine to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. It comes as a patch, gum, inhaler, spray and tablet. You can also quit smoking with the help of a “quitting stick”.

    * The NHS also offers a “Quit Kit” to guide users step by step through the quit smoking process. It provides you with information on how to overcome cravings and potential weight gain, a common side effect of quitting smoking.

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