
What is Bale Zone?

by Guest9859  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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What is Bale Zone?

 Tags: bale, zone



  1. Amit bang
    Bale is one of the 12 Zones in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Bale is named for the former kingdom of Bale, which is located in approximately the same area.

    Bale is bordered on the south by the Ganale Dorya River which separates it from Borena, on the southwest by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the northwest by Arsi, on the northeast by the Shebelle River which separates it from Mirab Hararghe and Misraq Hararghe, and on the east by the Somali Region. The highest point in the Bale Zone, and also the highest point in Oromia, is Mount Batu (4,307 m), one of the Urgoma Mountains. Other notable peaks of the Urgoma include Mount Tullu Demtu, Mount Darkeena and Mount Gaysay. Towns and cities in Bale include Dodola, Ginir, Goba and Robe.

    Points of interest in the Bale Zone include Sheikh Hussein—named for the tomb of a Moslem saint—the Bale Mountains National Park, and the Sof Omar Caves.

    The Central Statistical Agency (CSA), reported that 5130 metric tons of coffee were produced in this zone in the year ending in 2005, based on inspection records from the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea authority. This represents 4.46% of the Region's output and 2.2% of Ethiopia's total output.

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