
What is National Research Program for Universities offered by HEC?

by Guest8604  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I heard about National Research Program for Universities offered by HEC. Can you tell me more about this program.

 Tags: HEC, National, offered, Program, Research, Universities



  1. Guest3023
    Dearth of research literature / equipment is a major impediment to the productivity of many creative and talented faculty members / researchers in all disciplines in Universities/Degree awarding institutions. In most cases these researchers need substantial financial support for research projects to allow them in their research pursuits.
    In the absence of such facilities the researchers, specifically the young ones, are discouraged and are looking for better opportunities in developed countries. To avoid this brain-drain, HEC has initiated a research grant program under which creative researchers are awarded research grants.
    To meet the current challenges of researchers working in local universities/DAIs of Pakistan and to promote the R&D with facilitation, HEC has modified the existing policy of National Research Program for Universities (NRPU) as per researcher’s needs / requirements.

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