
What is PTCL smart tv?

by Guest7690  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I read in a newspaper about the PTCL smart tv but can’t read complete detail of it. Can someone tells me that what is PTCL smart tv?

 Tags: ptcl, Smart, TV



  1. Guest8351
    A PTCL digital multi channel Television service that will deliver television programs to households via a broadband connection using the Internet Protocol (IP) technology. The service requires subscription and Customer Premises Equipment.
    Smart TV provides advanced features and services that are not possible with traditional broadcast television systems. These advanced features include Time Shifted Television, Parental Control, Electronic Program Guides (EPG), Global Television Channels, Video on Demand (VoD), Near Video on Demand (NVoD) and many more interactive features.

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