
What is foreign students in Australia PayCheck?

by Guest1273  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What is foreign students in Australia PayCheck?

 Tags: Australia, foreign, paycheck, students



  1. Guest8501
    PayCheck of foreign students in Australia can calculate the base rate of pay from an employee’s modern award and their relevant pre-modern award.

    Foreign students in Australia PayCheck will automatically update pay rates with any changes resulting from Fair Work Australia’s annual wage review. These reviews take effect from the first full pay period in July each year. Employers should check that they are paying the correct rates from 1 July each year.

    The base rates of pay calculated by PayCheck are minimum rates of pay only - employers may choose to pay their employees more than the minimum at any time, and must pay any higher rates which apply to an employee under an agreement or contract of employment.

    There are specific transitional arrangements that affect the Children Services modern award, the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services modern award, some Building and Construction modern awards and some South Australian Hospitality employees.

    Information relating to the effect of these arrangements in the Plumbing and Building and Construction modern awards is available at specific transitional arrangements. More information on other modern awards with specific transitional arrangements will be coming soon.

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