
What is money gram?

by Guest5187  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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A friend told me that we can send and receive money using moneygram from other countries. I am not sure about it yet. Can someone tell me that what is a moneygram?

 Tags: Gram, money



  1. Guest1262
    MoneyGram is a global leader in worldwide money transfer services. They make sure your money gets where it's needed; whether that's around the world or across the country. Competitive pricing that often costs less than our competitors. Additional discounts are provided with their MoneyGram Rewards Program. Customers can send cash quickly, usually available to the receiver within ten minutes. MoneyGram offers a variety of convenient ways to transfer money, including thousands of agent locations worldwide, and convenient delivery options. Locate us through our Find a MoneyGram Location tool.

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