
What is the Groupon Rewards Program?

by Guest4831  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I have heard about groupon reward program but never used it. Can someone tell me that what is groupon reward program?

 Tags: groupon, Program, rewards



  1. Guest3262
    Groupon launched a test version of Groupon Rewards in April 2010 and randomly invited less than 1% of our subscriber base. This has been an experiment to try it out. they are periodically tweaking the program and inviting a random number of new subscribers to participate. They are trying to see what works and what doesn’t so they can build a brilliant system-wide rewards system for all our subscribers. Groupon Rewards members automatically earn points, called G’s, towards free Groupons. Plus top members will get invites to our special events and other fun stuff, including G-oodies. It’s their way of thanking you for being an awesome customer.

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