
What is the best place to eat steak in Ottawa, Canada?

by Guest88498  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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What is the best place to eat steak in Ottawa, Canada?

 Tags: Canada, eat, Ottawa, Steak



  1. Kuljit Grewal

     I will make two suggestions based on experience as well as what I have heard. The first is probably my favourite choice, while the second option is for those looking for an expensive and business meeting-esque type of meal.

    1. Big Easy's Seafood and Steakhouse - great service, a wide selection of steaks and non-rediculous pricing along with a great atmosphere. Would win the 'People's Choice'.

    2. Hy's - the type of place politicians and business magnates frequent. A true steakhouse that could break your wallet but a great choice for some legit steak. Would win the 'Minister's Choice'.

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