
What is the difference between a brown bear and a black bear other than the colour of its fur?

by Brad Isaac  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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What is the difference between a brown bear and a black bear other than the colour of its fur?

 Tags: Bear, Black, Brown, colour, difference, fur



  1. Victor Strong

     Black bears are not a specific colour of bear, it is the name of that particular species of bear. Black bears can range in colour from light brown to a blue black and everything in between. Brown bears on the other hand are actually Grizzlies, a very different species all together. They are usually brown and are much larger than Black bears. 

    Other than this however, the builds, facial appearances and paws of the bears are quite different. Grizzlies have a very obvious shoulder hump and round faces with small ears. Black bears on the other hand have flatter noses and large ears as well as no shoulder hump. They also have much smaller paws than Grizzlies.


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Brad Isaac


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