
What is the eligibility Criteria for United Consumer Loan Scheme?

by Guest742  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Can someone tell me about the eligibility Criteria for United Consumer Loan Scheme?

 Tags: consumer, criteria, eligibility, Loan, Scheme, United



  1. Guest3318
    The Prospective borrower should maintain a Savings/ Current Deposit/ Term Deposit A/c with the Bank and fulfill the following criteria-Any individual with a minimum net income (take home salary for salaried person) of Rs. 5,000/- per month. In respect of working couple, net income of the spouse is considered for the purpose of computing net income and monthly installments, provided the spouse joins as co-borrower and monthly installment may be realized from the salaries of either of them. In case of salaried person, the applicant should be in regular service for at least 1 (one) year. Professional and self-employed persons who are at least 2 years in their profession.

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