
What is the font used in Apple Menu?

by Guest7853  |  13 years ago

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I am creating apple like menu bar and I need to know the font used in apple menu. Currently I am using Seagui but it is not exactly the same.

 Tags: Apple, font, menu



  1. Guest9472

     This is a list of all font files that come with Mac OS X 10.5, and their version numbers.

    Package: Essential System Software

    Installed: Always (cannot be disabled)

    Location: /System/Library/Fonts

    Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot.ttf 1.0d4e1

    Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot.ttf 1.0d4e1

    Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot.ttf 1.0d4e1

    Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot.ttf 1.0d4e1

    Apple Braille.ttf 1.0d4e1

    Apple Symbols.ttf 6.0d7e4

    AppleGothic.ttf 6.0d11e1

    AquaKanaBold.otf 1.0.3

    AquaKanaRegular.otf 1.0

    Courier.dfont 6.0d7e1

    Geeza Pro Bold.ttf 6.0d5e5

    Geeza Pro.ttf 6.0d5e5

    Geneva.dfont 6.0d3e1

    HelveLTMM 001.006

    Helvetica LT MM 001.006

    Helvetica.dfont 6.0d7e1

    HelveticaNeue.dfont 6.0d5e1

    Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3.otf 8.00

    Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W6.otf 8.00

    Hiragino Mincho ProN W3.otf 8.00

    Hiragino Mincho ProN W6.otf 8.00

    Keyboard.dfont 6.0d2e3

    LastResort.dfont 5.0

    LiHei Pro.ttf 6.0d4e1

    LucidaGrande.dfont 6.0d10e1

    Monaco.dfont 6.0d9e1

    STHeiti Light.ttf 6.0d5e1

    STHeiti Regular.ttf 6.0d4e1

    Symbol.dfont 6.0d2e1

    Thonburi.ttf 10.5d5e1

    ThonburiBold.ttf 10.5d5e1

    Times LT MM 001.006

    Times.dfont 6.0d6e5

    TimesLTMM 001.006

    ZapfDingbats.dfont 6.0d2e1


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