
What is the formula for birth rate and deat rate.

by Guest4424  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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these formulas will help me in my statistics for biology course subject.

 Tags: Birth, deat, formula, Rate



  1. salim
    Usually the birth and death rates are calculated based on 1000 people, not per capita (1 people), because per capita rates are very small. Nonetheless, both per capita rates are calculated by simply dividing the total number of births (or deaths) by the total population. The total population should be the one at the beginning of a specified period (or, better, an average for the entire period) whereas the births /deaths are counted for the entire period.

    For example, China had an estimated population of 1,300,000,000 in January 2005. In the whole year 2005 about 17,100,000 births were expected. This corresponds to a per capita birth rate of 17.1 mio./1300 mio. = 0.01315
    Similarly China's per capita death rate can be estimated to be about 0.00694, which means the Chinese population is growing overall.

    Hope it helps!

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