
What is the mechanism used in the oxidation of fluorene to fluorenone?

by Guest908  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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What is the mechanism used in the oxidation of fluorene to fluorenone?

 Tags: fluorene, fluorenone, mechanism, oxidation



  1. amomipais82
    Hi there,
    Through oxidation it reduces.
    in a process for the production of pure flourenone by oxidation of flourene with air or oxygen at ambient temperature in the presence of a quanternary salt, the improvement which comprises carrying out the reaction in a suspension of flourene or a flourene-containing fraction in an aprotic water immiscible solvent which is primed with an aqueous solution containing 40% by weight of sodium hydroxide, intimately mixing the organic and aqueous phases during the reaction and separating the pure flourenone from the reaction mixture.

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