
What is the minimum amount of initial investment at KSE?

by Guest923  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I am interested in investment in shares at KSE, so I would like to know the minimum amount of initial investment required for First time investors in KSE.

 Tags: Amount, Initial, investment, KSE, minimum



  1. Guest1455
    Some brokers may require a minimum initial investment to open an account depending on their requirement or may charge or waive other fees depending on the amount you initially invest. If you are just getting started with a small investment, look for an investment firm that would not penalize you based on the size of your investment. The minimum amount of money needed to invest in the stock market depends on the minimum number of shares to be traded for the stock. The minimum shares will be determined by the prevailing market price of a particular stock, as each stock, the minimum number of shares to be traded is fixed, called the market-lot, which depends on the price range of the stock.

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