
What is the official website for Calcutta University?

by Guest4223  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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I want to apply for B.Com in Calcutta University but I do not have their contact number. Please tell me there official site so that I can have their contact details from there. I am not an internet geek, and even do not have proper knowledge of internet and using internet to locate some website. Please let me know how to search it.



 Tags: calcutta, Official, university, website



  1. Guest4899

    Hello Raj

    There is no problem if you do not have proper knowledge of IT or you cannot handle your PC properly. It is very simple, and anyone can do it with a great ease.

    Let me tell you the official site of the Calcutta University first, which is:

    As you told me that you do not have good knowledge to use internet, or to search some web site properly. It is quite easy, as you can do it through different search engines like, Google, MSN, Yahoo or Bing. All you have to do is to insert the name or keyword which you are looking for. Lets suppose you type Calcutta University in the search tab. Than press enter and the search engine will automatically take you to your desired location.

    It is simple and quite easy, and you can do it without any confusion. I must tell you, you should practice it by searching different sites and institutes on internet. You will learn gradually. I hope this will work and you will make your self comfortable.



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